Vertical Sterilizer

Vertical Sterilizer, proses yang dahulu kala dihindari sekarang dilirik kembali, efesienkah?

Sterilized With Vertical Sterilizer

Pengisian TBS kedalam vertical sterilizer untuk direbus merupakan salah satu yang mempengaruhi siklus perebusan dan menjadi titik kritis di pabrik kelapa sawit.


Stasiun yang hanya mengurangi kadar air dan kotoran saja, tidak ada penambahan minyak namun bisa menjadi sumber losis yang besar.


Pengelolaan Tandan Kosong akan menambah nilai sebuah by product.

Tumpukan TBS di Loading Ramp

Handling TBS pertama secara fisik yang akan menentukan mutu dan losis saat proses pengolahan.

Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Home. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Proses Pabrik Kelapa Sawit

Uraian proses pengolahan stasiun demi stasiun secara garis besar dapat disampaikan sebagai berikut :
Alur proses pengolahan minyak sawit  (Urutan penulisan sesuai tahapan proses sebenarnya) :
  • Jembatan Timbang
  • Loading Ramp
  • Transfere Carriage
  • Rail Track Yard
  • Sterilizer
  • Hoisting Crane

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Application of New Things



Many technologies developed in the oil industry, today is a curious Vertical Sterilizer. Generally, palm oil mills in sterilizer horizontal / horizontal, but currently some vendors in the neighboring country to make large-scale vertical sterilizer.

Of course there are advantages and disadvantages between the vertical and horizontal sterilizer.

We must anticipate that there is excess (generally put forward the excess of course) do not get the advantages offered to cover the shortfall is far worse.

Saturday, November 5, 2011



Laboratory is equipment of control to process and quality of production. Laboratory functioned if the trustworthy and enough equipments. Trustworthy equipment must be calibrated periodical and operated by analist is training.

Result of laboratory analysis serve the purpose of evaluation material by management to process happened. For the purpose need to be made retrieval standard and sample analysis. This standard need to be ins order not to invite analysis yield variance signifikan between sift I with sift II for the same parameter as result of procedures that is is not is standard.

Palm Oil Mill


Palm oil mill is a group of equipment to do extraction process of oil content and palm kernel from a number of palm fruits. Palm oil mill cannot produce oil and palm kernel, but just for the obstetrical extraction in palm fruit.

Source of raw material obtained by palm oil mill to come from company's estate palm fruit ( one company management) and from result of purchasing of farmer palm fruit through partner. Palm fruit coming from company's estate to have consistent and better quality compared to with quality of purchasing palm fruit, because company's estate palm fruit has better management from the angle of organization, fund and human resource. While farmer palm fruit is not managed like fruit of garden and access to obtain very limited a bit of blood and operating expenses. On that account second acceptance?receiving procedures source of the palm fruit differs in.

My Palm and My Environment

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Area of palm estate and palm oil mill waste often becomes focus some charge with negative campaign party(sides to industrial of palm fruit. Palm fruit Industry  is assessed [by] cut down register forest, contaminates river and source of other water. Plantation of palm hardly influenced by nature, so that was stupid action if palm fruit industry  destroys nature where itself industry is built.